三つ巴の平原・青獅子の学級 Field of Three (Blue Lions)
Gronder Field (Empire Territory)
ディミトリ: ……ここが戦場、グロンダーズ平原か。どうだ、先生、自信のほどは?
Dimitri: So this is to be our battlefield...Gronder Field. Are you feeling confident, Professor?
Choice 1: 余裕だ Very. (Dimitri ⤴)
ディミトリ: そうか。先生がそう言ってくれるなら、これ以上心強いことはないな。
Dimitri: Excellent. That's most reassuring.
Choice 2: 微妙だ I'm not sure. (Dimitri ⤵)
ディミトリ: 先生の力は、近くで見てきた俺たちが一番よく知っているし……信じている。
Dimitri: We've seen your power firsthand, so we know better than anyone what you're capable of.
Beyond that, we believe in you. If it's not too big a burden, I ask that you believe in us as well.
ディミトリ: 大丈夫、きっと勝てるさ。俺たちも無為にこの半年を過ごしてきたわけじゃない。
Dimitri: We can win. I'm sure of it. After all, it's not as though we've spent the last half-year sitting idle.
And I'm feeling stronger this moon. As though I could conquer a thousand opponents all on my own.
Choice 1: 心強い That's reassuring. (Dimitri ⤴)
ディミトリ: ああ、頼りにしていてくれ。
Dimitri: You can depend on me. I hope you know that.
Choice 2: 流石にそれは Don't get carried away...
ディミトリ: 冗談だ。……む、通じなかったか。
Dimitri: I'm only joking, of course... But perhaps it isn't a laughing matter.
I beg your forgiveness. I must practice levity so that I can provide a more enjoyable joke when the opportunity next presents itself.
After all, I hear that telling jokes is a good way to calm the nerves before heading into battle. Still...I find it quite difficult.
ディミトリ: さて、そろそろ開戦の刻限か。皆、気を引き締めていこう。
Dimitri: Well, it's about time for the battle to begin. Everyone, brace yourselves.
フェリクス: フン……歯応えのある者と剣を交えられるのならば、俺は何でもいい。
Felix: Hmph. All I'm worried about is finding someone worthy to cross swords with.
メルセデス: いろいろ準備したし、たくさん訓練もしたしきっと何とかなるわよね~?
Mercedes: We've prepared and trained a great deal. We should be fine, right?
アネット: メーチェはいつもお気楽なんだからっ。勝てるように、今日は精一杯頑張らなきゃ!
Annette: You're always so carefree, Mercie! Don't forget we need to try our hardest out there so we can win!
アッシュ: 今までの訓練の成果を見せる、いい機会ですよね。頑張りましょう!
Ashe: This is our chance to show how hard we've been working! Let's do our best!
シルヴァン: ……鷲獅子戦で活躍すれば、女の子たちの視線と人気を集めること間違いなし、だな。
Sylvain: If I emerge victorious in the lauded Battle of the Eagle and Lion, the ladies are sure to take notice. I'll have to go into hiding.
イングリット: そればっかり……まあ、あなたがきちんと活躍してくれるなら、私も文句はないけど。
Ingrid: Ugh, is that all you think about? Actually, so long as you try your hardest, frame it however you like.
フレン: うふふ……、わたくしも、力を尽くして戦いますわ。
Flayn: Haha, I shall give it my all!
ドゥドゥー: ……どのような戦いであろうと、おれの役目は変わらん。
Dedue: No matter the battle, I will never falter.
ディミトリ: 先生。お前の指揮、頼りにしているからな。……青獅子の戦、皆に見せつけてやろう。
Dimitri: We're counting on your guidance, Professor. Let's show the world what the Blue Lions are made of!